totally uncool & no hype at all!
some of my videos... made during studies and even some commercials i have done... plus some experimental stuff... and...
uncool stuff / artz
(let me remind you to click on the pict to watch the movie)
one of my favorite bands...Mr. Bungle
actually, the title of the song is Ars Morendi
i made this piece out of several different takes and it went pretty ok :)
could work out as a music video... but i didnt finish the video, just cut the song off :)
3´13´´ or 12mb

(click the pict to play the movie)
almost a real music video... for friends of mine... mimi secue
once again, drive by shooting camera plus after effects....
3´52´´ or 20mb

(click the pict to play the movie)
music: Autechre - Drone
a journey through some dream landscape... of course 3D
2´30´´ or 10mb

(click the pict to play the movie)
based on the v.1.0 of the white room
video/audio scratching/remixing
0´30´´ or 2mb

(click the pict to play the movie)
designed to function as a video installation
being projected on a wall... runs in an endless loop
a mixture of a dumb americon napalm/phosphor bombardment of rice fields (!?!) with nice music.... picture being cropped and slowed down, giving you a rather stressfree feeling... like an tourism ad... for a dream vacation...
ps: those dumb a-holes were so bored and overloaded with napalm, phosphor, heroin and chit in their heads, so they went bombarding rice fields!?!?
3´35´´ or 14mb

(click the pict to play the movie)
drive by shooting
high speed shutter
0´18´´ or 1.8mb

(click the pict to play the movie)
some stuff... just happened and i like it :)
0´37´´ or 2.3mb

(click the pict to play the movie)
Word War II found footage meets Autechre...
3´43´´ or 14.2mb

(click the pict to play the movie)
here comes some commercial chit i did...
eyecatcher from the catwalk of a viennese fur (!) pusher - Propeller Film / Liska
a pack of cute babes presenting fur... you gotta love their fur :-)
3 mins version.
nice babes with nice music :-)
(click the pict to play the movie)
30 secods version,
"eyecatcher", no sound
(click the pict to play the movie)
Propeller Film / Demner, Merlicek, Bergmann
making of a red cross commercial, charity
4´15´´ or 26mb
(click the pict to play the movie)
FORD allonge - Propeller Film / Ogilvy / Ford Austria
a 5 seconds short movie, an alonge for ford austria. heavy post-production. provided with very poor quality input material (Ogilvy Austra...LOL).
the car was blue with french number plates,
i painted it red and replaced with stolen austrian number plates :-)
plz, dont blame me for the aesthetics, it was Ogilvy´s "creative´s" wish :-(
jpeg... before and after (2 weeks of work)
2D/3D compositing - a charity job for an austrian artist, Bernhard Cella. a man walking over/through the walls of an room...
3 jpegs, klick to view it

(click to enlarge)
Chevrolet vs. Daewoo - Propeller Film / Chevrolet Austria
design of a new intro + adaptation of the old outro. some after effects gymnastics.
other stuff...
Bender, a role-model guy, gets kicked by a buttnaked girl!!!
out of nowhere!
and just like that :-)
0´06´´ or 1.4mb

(click the pict to play the movie)
Kleinl David /
Arapovic Andrija
we did a remix of an old austrian political science-fiction comedy "1st April 2000" from the year 1952. The movie itself was rather a blockbuster, big-budget production back in the day, today it is a relict of austrian/european movie industry and an oddity of a movie :-) hillarious to watch :-)
the trivia about this movie is the coincidence in the movie plot and the real political situation in the year 2000 - namely in the movie, austria is in the year 2000 still occupied after the WWII (simply because the 4 war-winning powers USA, Great Britain, France and the CCCP) forgot to withdraw from austria. and a political party is raising it´s voice and demanding freedom for austria.
the oddity (beside the movie itself) is the political coincidence in the year 2000, when the right-wing "freedoms party" became a part of the ruling coalition in austria :-)
our odd remix was shown at the austrian national filmfestival
more about original movie at:
IMDB.com/1st April 2000
2´34´´ or 9mb

(click the pict to play the movie)
just playing around...
with some nice cubes :-)
one of them is a counter, and the other one (pretty short, only 3 seconds) is just a beauty :)
10 seconds countdown
(click the pict to play the movie)
3 secods version, nice radiosity :-)
(click the pict to play the movie)
just playing around... in the underground :-)
with some nice picts...
they are pretty short, only few seconds, but therefore you can run them endlessly in an loop :-)
(click the pict to play the movie)
(click the pict to play the movie)
i made those 2 short movies for a class on the university
one assignment was to use bones function in 3D, so i put also some flesh over it :-)
the other one was to make a perfect loop of a rotating object. so i took a clown from a nearby luna park :-)
3D bones with some flesh over it :-)
(click the pict to play the movie)
rotating clown
(click the pict to play the movie)
another drive by shooting with Andrea Parker :-)
hish speed shutter
0´14´´ or 1.4mb

(click the pict to play the movie)
featuring Crystal Method / Busy Child with some war/military found footage...
2´29´´ or 9.4mb

(click the pict to play the movie)